Archive for church in the neighborhood

Make Your Neighborhood Your Church

Posted in Church, Church Planting, connect the church, Family, neighborhood, Religion, Simple Church with tags , , on May 18, 2008 by

Can we transform our community by driving away from the neighborhood we live in, to minister to people one day a week, who live somewhere else?  If we look carefully we can become aware of the congregation of people who are constantly around us seven days a week. We call it a neighborhood and we barely notice it falling apart until it’s too late. That’s usually when we move, leaving the problem for someone else. Unfortunately the problem just follows us to our next neighborhood because all along we were the solution we didn’t take responsibility for.

The grass is not greener on the other side, but where we cultivate it. Touching peoples lives is the same way. The Christian life is not about where we go to Church nor is it about Church buildings or meetings, yet for most of us, that has become the center of our Christian experience.

If you are a church goer, Pastor or Church planter who wants to make a difference, step out and make your neighborhood your church. You will automatically be surrounded by a congregation of people. Be prepared to experience first hand, real transformation unfold before your eyes, including yours. Your life will never be the same again.