How To Transform A Neighborhood

Posted in Church Planting, Family, neighborhood, People, Religion, videos on December 27, 2009 by

Can we create safer and healthy neighborhoods? Can our communities become spiritually transformed? Then it must start where we live. If we don’t affect change in our neighborhood, some one else will and chances are we won’t like the results.

Make Your Neighborhood Your Church

Posted in Church, Church Planting, connect the church, Family, neighborhood, Religion, Simple Church with tags , , on May 18, 2008 by

Can we transform our community by driving away from the neighborhood we live in, to minister to people one day a week, who live somewhere else?  If we look carefully we can become aware of the congregation of people who are constantly around us seven days a week. We call it a neighborhood and we barely notice it falling apart until it’s too late. That’s usually when we move, leaving the problem for someone else. Unfortunately the problem just follows us to our next neighborhood because all along we were the solution we didn’t take responsibility for.

The grass is not greener on the other side, but where we cultivate it. Touching peoples lives is the same way. The Christian life is not about where we go to Church nor is it about Church buildings or meetings, yet for most of us, that has become the center of our Christian experience.

If you are a church goer, Pastor or Church planter who wants to make a difference, step out and make your neighborhood your church. You will automatically be surrounded by a congregation of people. Be prepared to experience first hand, real transformation unfold before your eyes, including yours. Your life will never be the same again.

What is a Spiritual Movement?

Posted in Church, Church Planting, connect the church, Family, neighborhood, Religion, Simple Church with tags , , , on May 1, 2008 by

The results of ordinary everyday followers of Jesus taking adventurous steps of faith in a grass roots environment to help facilitate spiritual and physical transformation.

What is a Simple Church ?

Posted in Church, Church Planting, Family, Religion, Simple Church with tags , , , on April 28, 2008 by

It is a group of at least two or three people who are, or are seeking to be followers of Christ, gathering together on a consistent basis, anywhere, anytime and facilitating change wherever they are.

What is a House Church?

Posted in Church, Church Planting, Family, House Church "Live", neighborhood, Religion, Simple Church with tags , , on April 27, 2008 by

It is a simple church using a residential structure in a neighborhood or village to gather together”.

Why Our Neighbors Don’t Go to Church

Posted in Church, neighborhood, Religion, videos with tags , , , on October 25, 2007 by

Recently Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, Georgia went around town asking people why they don’t go to church. These are the same people who live where you and I live. They may never walk into a church door, but we “the church” can walk into their’s. My neighbors love their families, are thoughtful, intelligent, hard working, and worthy of my time to listen carefully and spend time with them as Jesus would. There is more to people’s answers than what’s being said.

Change happens locally.

Posted in Church, Family, House Church "Live", Religion with tags , , , on August 7, 2007 by

These is an excerpt I found at Mars Hill church. I’m using their quotes because they just said it better than me.

“We believe the Church is God’s chosen vehicle for creating change. Change happens locally. It happens when people act where they are with what they have. Change happens gradually. It occurs when people do a series of little things well over a long period of time. As Christians, we love to talk but we don’t necessarily like to get up and out and get it done. It’s one thing to proclaim Christ on Sunday morning; it’s another to get wrapped up in your next-door neighbor’s life on any given day… What can you do? Place yourself in front of people. Put yourself squarely in the middle of their lives…”

Scared to meet your Neighbors?

Posted in neighborhood, videos on July 18, 2007 by

O if it were that simple. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you will actually have to step out your door to meet them. Relationships don’t come with shortcuts.

What is the Church?

Posted in Church, Family, House Church "Live", Religion on June 28, 2007 by

1. The Church
A group of people who are actively following Jesus.

2. Spiritual transformation
Dramatic changes in purpose, attitudes, behavior and lifestyle, characterized by actions of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control that reflect a commitment and obedience to Jesus Christ.

3. Community
An interacting population of various kinds of individuals in a common geographical location.

4. Neighborhood
An interacting population of various kinds of individuals in a common geographical location within walking distance to each other.

Free Spiritual Gifts Assesment Test

Posted in Church Planting, House Church "Live", How to get started, Religion on June 21, 2007 by

What are your spiritual gifts? Click the links below to take the free online spiritual gifts test along with other assessments tests. Then ask others for feedback on the results.

Changing Your World!

Posted in Church, Family, House Church "Live", Religion, videos on May 24, 2007 by

I am on one of the most amazing journeys one can imagine. Hard and dusty roads, full of life and adventure. I have chosen to be a follower of Jesus. This decision has been life changing.

Let us to be inspired together to continue pursuing this great adventure and be the kind of life changer whose actions change the world around us for the better.

Lets encourage others to experience this amazing life, full of adventure, wonder and celebration.

Who is my Neighbor?

Posted in Church, Family, House Church "Live", Religion, Simple Church, videos with tags , , , , , , on January 17, 2007 by

Why is it important for us to be active in our neighborhood? I find when we open our door and let people in or let ourselves out, even a simple hello can make someone’s day.

How do I meet my neighbors?

Posted in Family, House Church "Live", How to get started, Religion, videos with tags , , , , , on January 16, 2007 by

Let’s keep it simple. Here is an interview of what one person did.

Here are a few more ideas.

1. Go for a walk in your neighborhood. Say hi to people. Become familiar with the people around you.

2. Use what you have – A touch, a smile, a listening ear, food, your TV. Everyone has one of these items.

3. Keep an “open chair” at the kitchen table and invite family, friends, neighbors, churched or the unchurched to join you for a meal.

UpdateClick here to view another example of what one person can do.



How do I get started?

Posted in Family, House Church "Live", How to get started, Religion with tags , , , , , on January 16, 2007 by thechurch
  • Eat with people as often as you can, wherever and whenever you can. People engage and interact better with food on their plate than at any other time.
  • Listen to people as much as possible, as often as possible. Don’t preach to them. No one likes that.
  • Invite your friends, family or neighbors and do something nice for a neighbor, especially one in need.
  • Don’t try to solve everyone’s problems. The more you listen, touch, and serve, the greater impact you will have.

Simple Church – Anytime, Anywhere, By Anyone

Posted in Church, Church Planting, Family, Religion, Simple Church, videos with tags , , , , , , , on January 15, 2007 by

With the rising costs of gas, church buildings, real estate and staff salaries, the old ways of doing things no longer fit the practicalities of our changing culture.

The good news is you can experience Jesus with friends, family or neighbors without leaving your block or home.  No buildings to build, offerings to take, no special qualifications needed.  Being a follower of Christ is not about meetings but being part of practical real life experiences in the Christian faith.  “The Church is not where you go, but who you are”  Change the world in the neighborhood you live in.